Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies that enable computers to perform a variety of advanced functions, including the ability to see, understand and translate spoken and written language, analyze Data, make recommendations, and more.

MiMFa DataLab

An Integrated Software for Data Scientists and Analysts!

MiMFa ArtFactory

An automatic SVG and BitMap image generator, for minting in the NFT market or other purposes!

MiMFa Script-BACK

The Script-Based Applications Custom-made Kernel

MiMFa Framework

An enterprise Dot-Net-Based Framework, to makes easy Software developments.


An Artificial Intelligence model with the closest cognitive approach of the human mind


A Special Integrated Resources Management System
Explain some real examples of AI-based technologies which are cybernetics systems...

System Engineering

Explain System Engineering in cybernetics systems...
Explain Control concepts in Cybernetics systems...

What is Cybernetics?

Explain the concepts of Cybernetics...
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